Other Important Documents and Useful Links


FAR-OUT Discord

This link goes to the official FAR-OUT Discord, where we aim to answer all of your competition-related questions directly. Please make sure to edit your username to be your full name and team affiliation upon joining.


FAR Website

This link goes to the official FAR website, which contains detailed information about the organization and contains many useful design and test resources and site information. Several links below were taken from this website or will link there for ease of access.

Friends of Amateur Rocketry Website

Current Weather at FAR

This link will show current weather forecasts near the FAR launch site.

FAR Weather

Available FAR Launchers

Teams are encouraged to bring their own launch rails to competition. If they are unable to do so, FAR has several launchers available. These launchers and launch lug requirements are described below.

FAR Launchers


Progress Update Form

For all of your progress update needs! You can submit as many times as you like prior to each deadline, but please provide us with your unique identifier code for your university and use the same email for each submission.

FAR-OUT Progress Update Form

Competition Schedule

A complete day-to-day schedule of the entire competition. Any further changes to this schedule will be relayed to participating teams.

Competition Schedule

Explanation of Fees

For schools and other sponsoring institutions, this document explains all fees that could be payable by teams before and during the competition.

Explanation of Fees

Official Competition Announcement

This is the official one-page document that announced this competition! Feel free to share with media or universities.

FAR-OUT Competition Announcement

Entry Form PDF

Don’t want to click through the whole Google Form to see the questions? Here is a PDF for reference.

FAR-OUT Entry Form PDF